Senin, 30 November 2009

my heart

. .akku mencoba memahami arti sebuah kehidupan . kehidupan tanpamu . yeahh cukupp menyakitkan but its true .

. .ini adalah kenyataan . akku telah terbangun dari mimpi indahku .

. .akku berharap akku gakkant terbangun dari mimpi indahku selamanya .

. .tapi takdir berkata lain . akku harus terbangun dari mimpi indahku ini . dan akku harruz menghadapi hidupku yang sebenarnya .

. .hoaaa gakk gampang ternyata hidup tanpamu .

. .yeaahhh tapie akku hruzz beusaha untuk biscaa hidup tanpamu .

. .akku bisca . yeahh akku pasti bisca .

. .you just last dream .

. .akku udah capek di sakidtin truzz meneruzz . mungkin ini pilihan yang terbaik untukku .

. .huftt .

. .akku sering bertanya-tanya . apakah kalo akku mati masihh addakahh orang yang peduli samma akku ??

. .kalo akku mati appakahh seseorang akan menyesal telahh membuatku sakidd hati ??

. .mungkin gakk adda satu orang puntt yang peduli samma akku .

. .akku mang layakk buadd di giniint . yeahh akku cuma sampahh di mata kalian ! akku bukan orang yang berharga bagii kaliant .

. .keyyy . akku terima kokk kloo kaliant nganggep akku kaeakk gtchuu .

. .akku ingin marahh . tapi appa gunanya akku marahh . tetepp atja kamuu gakk ngerti perasaantkuu n gakkant pernah ngertii !

. .terkadang akku bertanya-tanya . kamu tuhh masih punya hati gakk cehh ? kamu tuhh mcee puya otak gakk cehh ?

. .kamu gakk liadd pa . ini lukaa ? ahhhgrr percuma ea ngomong ma kamu tuh . Buang" tenaga atja . Cma buad tmbh ckid ati atja .
. Kmu sma atja kyk mereka ! Akku harap kaliant bkal sdarar smaa appa ygg kaliant lakuin ke akku . Yeah i hope that .

fix you !!

. .When you try your best but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse
. .And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse ?
. .Lights will guide you home And ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix you
. .And high up above or down belowWhen you're too in love to let it goBut if you never try you'll never knowJust what you're worth
. .Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix you
. .Tears stream down your facewhen you lose something you cannot replaceTears stream down your faceAnd I
. .Tears stream down your faceI promise you I will learn from my mistakesTears stream down your face And I
. .Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix you

Jumat, 27 November 2009

crying in dying

. .I'm really very confused. What you mean?
once you often make me smile. but now you often made me cry with you it's strange behavior.
. .What do you want? please tell me what you want! I've had enough of all this. tired. you are now is not you who I knew before. you differently. you are now my life is a monster of destruction. This reply the same way you kill me slowly. hoaaaa I'm crazy with this.
. .kill me now! I'm really fed up with all this. basic betrayal. you already broke my heart. ohh not just break my heart but also destroy everything.
. .ashh what you're saying it's just nonsense. lie! you are a big liar!
. .all of you just lied !
. .promise is also just a lie!
. .if you can't hold your promise, do not try to promise me ! It just makes me smile for a while and suffer for eternity !!
. .go out of my life ! I wanted out of his mind that all forgotten. or to die ! so that problems can be lost false.
. .but I still want to survive with all this. because I know I'll get through all this. let's chili can do it !!
. .forget the past to open a new page more beautiful !!
. .we start from the beginning. Do not make the same mistake !!

Rabu, 18 November 2009

ngomong pakek bahasa prancisss .

Je suis triste parce qu'il jouait avec mon coeur.
il était mal. pourrait-il un jour décidé que je ne fut pas sans raison apparente.
Homme irresponsable de base. seulement sucré dans la bouche tout seul!!
seulement sucré quand je suis nécessaire. si je n'étais pas dans le besoin, je suis dans les déchets comme les déchets!!
Lorsque manismu promesse. Love Me to Death. maintenant tu aller à mon propre récepteur. ce que vous dites ne peux pas le croire.
Lie Lie Lie! tous les aja de quoi vous parlez seul édulcorant. pas de cœur! pourquoi? pourquoi?
pourquoi vous me faire ça?
Peu importe le passé, lâcher prise. pas dans une autre rampe. Je vous ai portés volontaires pour aller de mon côté. c'est peut-être la meilleure pour moi.
Il est temps pour mmbuka nouvelles feuilles plus belle.
esprit! Je le ferai!